How do people who are blind or have low vision know where to scan a QR Code?

a finger finding the qr code on a covid 19 check in poster

Braille House has launched of their QR Code tactile indicator for who are blind or have low vision to be able to find the QR Code to scan independently. 

We all know that QR Codes are going to be with us for a while and we all have to get used to them. This is more difficult for people who are unable to see them, so how do they scan them?
Until now, as identified by blind and low vision people such as the Facebook page #tipsfromablindman, someone else had to help them by guiding their hand with their phone in it to scan the code.

The new QR Code tactile indicator is a sticker that is placed over the QR Code that reads “Please scan the QR code below” and has a tactile square to indicate where the QR Code is.

Richard Barker, General Manager of Braille House said “Providing small supports like the QR Code Indicator is important for people with low or no vision to live with independence and dignity, this is something that should be important for our society as a whole” Richard also said “It may seem like a small thing to everyone else, but for a person who is blind or has low vision, this is a big step towards knowing that they are included”, “Contact tracing is very important to keep everyone safe and not just sighted people”.

The stickers are available to anyone is Australia at a cost of $3 (ex GST) for the small indicators and $9 (ex GST) for the large. There is also a standard delivery fee of $10 (ex GST).

Mark Bailey MP Minister for Transport had to say:

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